As I welcome in the new year, I also want my Dolls to know that I wish them a wonderful and prosperous year. With any goal you set and obtain, I want you to know that you can achieve anything, move many mountains and have anything you set your heart out for. Don't ever let anyone tell you that "You can't" or "You won't" be able to do this or that. They are blockers, people that placed in your path to hinder and test your faith. I had many of them out my career and I can say most of the time they won, but as I grow and become more confident I look at it differently and realize now I want it more. So in 2013, I won't stop, slow down, be deterred, or even encouraged about my goals and I want you Dolls to do the same. I wish and hope for you all to empower each other and don't tear each other down. So this year I will bring you more blogs, more tips, more of my work, more videos, more giveaways, and more of the World of Makeup. DO IT BIG or GO HOME is my motto in 2013.
XoXo MbP
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